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rest period 【生物學】休眠期。

rest room

In a statement yesterday , the fa said : “ following john terry ' s injury in [ sunday ' s ] league cup final , the fa can clarify that the rules on head injuries do not set down an automatic rest period for players suffering from concussion , but rather stipulate that each injury must be assessed individually by a doctor 足總在昨天的一份聲明指出: ”隨著特里在星期日聯賽杯決賽的受傷,足總可以澄清有關頭部創傷的規定,并不會對受到腦震蕩的球員造成一個自動強迫休息的期限,反而訂明每一個受傷都必須獨立接受一位軍醫評估。 ”

To work continuously for more than 5 hours without a break of not less than 1 hour for a meal or rest and , in the case of a child under the age of 6 , without an additional rest period of not less than half an hour within the said spell of 5 hours 在其每天工作結束后的12小時內;以及連續工作超過5小時而沒有不少于1小時的用膳或休息時間;而6歲以下的兒童,在上述的5小時工作期間內沒有不少于半小時的額外休息時間。

Musters , fire - fighting and lifeboat drills , and drills prescribed by national laws and regulations and by international instruments , shall be conducted in a manner that minimizes the disturbance of rest periods and does not induce fatigue 集合、消防和救生艇訓練以及國家法律、條例和國際文件規定的訓練應以對休息時間的影響最小和不會造成疲勞的方式進行。

When a seafarer is on call , such as when a machinery space is unattended , the seafarer shall have an adequate compensatory rest period if the normal period of rest is disturbed by call - outs to work 在某一海員處于隨時待命的情況下,例如機艙處于無人看管時,如果海員因被招去工作而打擾了正常的休息時間,則應給予充分的補休。

As soon as practicable after the normal situation has been restored , the master shall ensure that any seafarers who have performed work in a scheduled rest period are provided with an adequate period of rest 一旦情況恢復正常,船長應盡快地確保所有在計劃安排的休息時間內從事工作的海員獲得充足的休息時間。

If your journey involves a five hour time change or more , be sure to allow a 24 hour rest period after arrival . do not make any important decisions during this period 如果你的旅程有5小時或5小時以上的時差,確保在抵達后有24小時的休息時間。在這段時間內不要做任何重要的決定。

Have regular rest periods when reading or using a computer . ensure good light . have your eyes checked regularly . exercise to maintain good circulation to the eyes 同時,在閱讀或使用電腦時,有規律地停下休息。保證光源。有規律地檢查視力。做一些鍛煉,以保證眼部循環正常。

“ the cheung sha wan temporary wholesale poultry market will be thoroughly cleaned and disinfected during the three - day rest period starting this afternoon 長沙灣臨時家禽批發市場今日起休市三天,市場員工會在場內進行徹底清潔和消毒工作。

Subjects were assessed during a basal rest period , after one night of sleep deprivation and after one night of regular sleep 受試者在一個基本的休息期內接受檢測,如在一晚的睡眠不足之后及在一晚的常規睡眠之后。

Every worker has the right to limitation of maximum working hours , to daily and weekly rest periods and to an annual period of paid leave 勞工享有最高工時限制、每日與每周休息時間與支薪年休期間之權利。

During such rest period , when the staff and workers have removed themselves from their posts , the enterprises shall distribute living expenses to them 職工退出工作崗位休養期間,由企業發給生活費。

Fourthly , one training match should be fixed on wednesday with a rest period and a pig in the middle following 第四,電腦默認的星期三的訓練比賽應該改成休息周期,以及安排溜猴。

Conserve energy by allowing for rest periods during the workday and while performing any activity 在工作日,每工作一定時間后稍事休息以保存精力。

Consere energy by allowing for rest periods during the workday and while performing any actiity 在工作日,每工作一定時間后稍事休息以保存精力。

There is also a bunk area for use by the 14 - strong cabin crew in rest periods 機上還設有一個臥鋪區域,可供14人之多的機組乘員在休息期間使用。

Normal activities should be resumed gradually with planned rest periods 應逐漸恢復正常運動,并規定休息時間。

Then , after a 30 - second rest period , one of stimulators was actiated 暫停30秒后,又有一個探針被加熱。

The rest periods did them little good and laboring on the trail was torture . 停下來歇會兒已經無濟于事了,如今再要干這開路的力氣活兒,那真是其苦難言。